
The Prionids Collection Bundle


A complete set of all books from the Prionids Collection series dealing with beetles of the subfamily Prioninae from around the world and from individual biogeographic regions. The series currently consists of 2 volumes.

The Prionids of the World, Prioninae

The first volume of the Prionids Collection series contains a selection of the most attractive beetles of the subfamily Prioninae from the whole world.

The Prionids of the World, Prioninae

The Prionids of the Neotropical region, Prioninae

The second volume of the Prionids Collection series is devoted to the so-called Neotropical Region.

The book "Prionids of Neotropical Region" offers a guide to the diverse family of long-winged beetles known as Prionids that are found in the Neotropics. Covering their biology, distribution and identification, this book is an essential resource for entomologists, researchers and insect enthusiasts interested in the fascinating world of Prionids.


The Prionids Collection Bundle

A complete set of all books from The Prionids Collection Bundle series dealing with beetles of the subfamily Prioninae from around the world and from individual biogeographic regions. The series currently consists of 2 volumes.

The Prionids of the World
The Prionids Collection Bundle

The book is conceived as an illustrated catalog, and thus the photographic section makes up the largest part, which illustrates 100 specimens with the help of very high-quality and detailed photographs. Each specimen is supplemented with information on the taxonomic classification and the actual size, sex and origin of the concrete specimen.

The second important part of the book is a clearly arranged, hierarchic list of the specimens. This list illustrates graphically the taxonomic classification of the different specimens, and it is possible from it to deduce quickly and easily the biological classification in family, subfamily, supertribe, tribe, genus and species. Data on the size of the specimen and where it was found is supplemented by information on the range of the given specimen’s distribution.
The classification of the species in a supertribe is differentiated according to color for greater clearness, both in the list and in the main part of the catalog.

In the introduction to the book, the author acquaints the reader with the subfamily Prioninae and what still belongs to and no longer belongs to the group of Prionids, and he offers a short preview of new classification methods based on DNA.
The Prionids Collection Bundle

The Prionids of the Neotropical region
The Prionids Collection Bundle

As the book is enhancing the concept of the first one, you will find there familiar sections such as the hierarchic list of specimens and the main photographic catalogue consisting of 100 beetles.

In the introduction you can read about specifics of the Neotropical region, what is the most suitable time to catch beetles in different regions or see some examples of species variability.

The conclusion of the book is enriched with a few tables showing types from Neotropical region and which can be found in Natural History Museum in London.
For reader’s convenience there is also a useful list of species which are already published in the series. This list will grow up as more volumes are published and could be used to look up specific species in the future.
The Prionids Collection Bundle

The Prionids Collection Bundle

Bundle details

The Prionids of the World, Prioninae

Weight 500 g (1.1 lbs)
Dimensions 13 × 165 × 236 mm

The Prionids of the Neotropical region, Prioninae

Weight 570 g (1.26 lbs)
Dimensions 13 × 165 × 236 mm