Here is a list of various beetle species, highlighting their characteristics and habits:
List of Bugs
Stag Beetle
Identification: Large, dark shiny brown, big pincers.
Habits: Found on the ground or in rotting wood; attracted to lights.
Hercules Beetle
Identification: Very large, spotted, with “rhinoceros” horns.
Habits: Similar to stag beetles, found in southern regions.
Grapevine Chafer
Identification: Large, light brown with six dark spots.
Habits: Found on leaves; attracted to lights.
Ten-lined June Beetle
Identification: Large, dark brown with thin light lines.
Habits: Found in the western regions; buzzes when threatened.
Japanese Beetle
Identification: Shining copper and green; can fly.
Habits: Major pest of roses and other garden plants.
Ground Beetle
Identification: Various, usually black and elongated.
Habits: Very common; hides under rocks.
Tiger Beetle
Identification: Long legs, large pincers, usually patterned.
Habits: Found in bright sun on sandy or open ground; fast flyers.
Carrion Beetle
Identification: Large, flattened, marked with yellow or orange.
Habits: Life cycle involves dead animals.
Identification: Various, usually small with a “snout.”
Habits: Found on plants; can be pests.
Sawyer Beetle
Identification: Often large, elongated, long antennae.
Habits: Found on tree trunks; attracted to lights.
Emerald Ash Borer
Identification: Small, elongated, dark shiny green.
Habits: Major pest of ash trees.
Whirligig Beetle
Identification: Shiny black, oval, long legs.
Habits: Whirls in groups on pond surfaces.
Carpet Beetle
Identification: Very small, rounded, gray pattern.
Habits: Pest of stored organic material.
Striped Cucumber Beetle
Identification: Small, “fat,” striped green and white.
Habits: Found in groups on cucurbits.
Eyed Click Beetle
Identification: Long, very flat, large eye markings.
Habits: Uncommon; found in the southern regions on wood.
Soldier Beetle
Identification: Orange, flies, resembles bees.
Habits: Found late summer on goldenrod.
Blister Beetle
Identification: Rounded, soft-bodied, blue-black or brightly colored.
Habits: Protected by blister-causing juices.
Ladybird Beetle (Ladybug)
Identification: Rounded, small, usually spotted.
Habits: Often found near aphid colonies.
Darkling Beetle
Identification: Many shapes and sizes, usually large and brown or black.
Habits: Often found on or around dead trees.
Click Beetle
Identification: Known for clicking sound when righting itself.
Habits: Larvae (wireworms) are destructive to root crops.
Longhorn Beetle
Identification: Antennae at least half the length of their bodies.
Habits: Feed on flowers, trees, and plants.
Jewel Beetle
Identification: Often large and colorful.
Habits: Some species bore into wood, common forest pest1.
Scarab Beetle
Identification: Includes dung beetles, June beetles, and Japanese beetles.
Habits: Diverse group with various feeding habits.